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Analysis of the macro situation for real estate – 5 steps to a successful analysis

The successful marketing of real estate projects depends largely on the location of the property. But how can a location be optimally assessed in order to market the project in the best possible way? This is where the analysis of the macro-location comes into play as part of the description of the location and surroundings. The macro-location analysis is important for the marketing of the project as it provides important information about the target group and their needs. In this blog post, we will show you how to carry out a successful macro-location analysis in 5 steps. You will also find out which criteria are crucial for optimal marketing of your real estate projects and how you can use the results of your analysis to successfully market your project.

What is the macro-location of a property?

The macro-location is an important factor in the marketing of real estate projects. It encompasses all factors that influence the surroundings of a property and should be taken into account when marketing. These include, for example, the geographical location, population development, economic conditions, infrastructure and transport links as well as leisure and recreational opportunities.

In contrast to the macro-location, the micro-location refers to the immediate surroundings of a property, such as the residential environment, the residential location or the neighborhood. The micro-location can also influence marketing opportunities and is closely linked to the macro-location. A property can be in a good micro-location but still be difficult to market due to an unfavorable macro-location.

It is therefore important to carry out a thorough analysis of the macro-location when marketing real estate projects. The analysis of the macro-location provides important information about the target group and their needs as well as the competitive situation and the price range. In this way, marketing opportunities can be optimally exploited and the property can be successfully placed on the market.

Analysis of the macro situation

A well-founded analysis of the macro-location provides important information about the location of the property and can increase the marketing opportunities of real estate projects if the results are taken into account when branding and creating advertising materials. In the following, we present five steps that should be taken into account when analyzing the macro-location:

Step 1: The geographical location and region

The geographical location and the region in which the property is located are important factors when analyzing the macro-location. In particular, aspects such as the distance to the nearest larger city, the location in an urban or rural area and any special geographical features such as mountains or bodies of water should be taken into account.

Step 2: Population development and demographics

Population development and demographic structure are also important factors when analyzing the macro situation. Both current figures and future forecasts should be taken into account. Answers to questions about population growth, age structure and dominant occupational groups can be extremely helpful.

Step 3: Economic framework conditions

The local economic conditions are another important factor when analyzing the macro situation. Aspects such as the unemployment rate, income level and economic structure should be taken into account. In addition, factors such as the number and type of existing companies and the industry structure can provide important information.

Step 4: Infrastructure and transport connections

Infrastructure and transport links are decisive factors in the marketing of real estate projects. Aspects such as the availability of public transportation, access to highways and airports as well as the availability of schools, hospitals and shopping facilities should be taken into account.

Step 5: Leisure and recreation options

Finally, the available leisure and recreational opportunities in the area surrounding the property should also be analyzed. Factors such as proximity to parks, lakes or sports facilities as well as cultural offerings can provide important information.

Assessment of the macro situation

A successful analysis of the macro situation is based on a well-founded assessment of the factors analyzed. The following section presents criteria for a successful analysis of the macro situation as well as tips for a well-founded assessment of the macro situation.

Criteria for a successful analysis

Various criteria must be taken into account for a successful analysis of the macro situation. These include, above all, completeness, as a well-founded assessment can only be made if all relevant factors are taken into account. Information on the factors analyzed should be as precise as possible in order to provide a more accurate assessment of the situation.

Another criterion is the comparability of the analyzed factors with other locations or regions. This is the only way to classify the situation and identify any potential and risks. In addition to completeness, accuracy and comparability, the topicality of the factors analyzed is also of great importance. Only by taking current developments and forecasts into account can a realistic assessment of the situation be made.

Overall, a successful analysis must therefore ensure that all relevant factors are taken into account, that they are recorded as accurately as possible and that they can be compared with other locations or regions. In addition, current developments and forecasts should be included to enable a well-founded assessment.

Tips for a well-founded assessment of the macro situation

A few tips should be taken into account in order to assess the macro situation as accurately as possible. First of all, you should make sure to use as many different data sources as possible in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the macro situation. You can use publicly available sources such as statistics and reports, which you can often find on the federal, cantonal, regional or municipal websites. It can also be helpful to define a clear weighting of the factors analyzed in order to be able to make a meaningful assessment of the macro situation. For example, aspects such as transport links or demographic structure can be weighted more heavily than other factors. A well-founded assessment of the macro-location is essential for the successful marketing of real estate projects. You should take all relevant factors into account and define a clear weighting in order to be able to make a meaningful assessment.


Assessing the location of real estate projects is a crucial step in the marketing of properties. The analysis of the macro-location plays an important role here, as it provides information about the general conditions on site. As the location of a property is one of the most important factors in a purchase decision, a well-founded assessment of the macro-location is essential for the successful marketing of real estate projects.

When analyzing the macro-location, factors such as geographical location and region, population development and population structure, economic conditions, infrastructure and transport connections as well as leisure and recreational opportunities should be taken into account. A successful macro-location analysis is characterized by completeness, accuracy, comparability and timeliness.

A clear weighting of the factors analyzed is important in order to be able to make a meaningful assessment of the macro-location. Would you also like to successfully market your real estate project, but don’t know how to get started? At Marketing Butler, we can help you to market your project successfully. In order to create advertising material that is optimally tailored to your project, our service includes an analysis of the macro situation. Use our free price calculator to find out the budget for your individual project today.


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